Saturday, April 13, 2013

-Week 2 (Search Engines- ABCD learning Objectives- Step 1 in the Project)

Hi Everyone,
I am very happy this week for what I have learnt.
This week I have learned new things:
First: I have learned about different search engines. Now, I know that google is not the only trusted and powerful search engines. I have tried other search engines such as CIA Factbook, Kidsclick and bingo. I have found that CIA Factbook is a wonderful search engines for countries around the world. kidsclick also appeals to me and my children. This made me search for another web search engines for kids. I found an interesting site with ten top kids search engines. Here is the link. Hope you enjoy it, too.

Second: I have learnt how to write my learning objectives according to the ABCD model. This is a very good model of writing objectives. I think I will use it in my teaching because it is practical and makes the me think of the students whom I teache, or the Audience. I will also think of the outcome or the result of teaching, Behaviour. The students’ abilities and the conditions that are likely to make learning takes place are considered, Condition. And finally the Degree or to what extend the teacher is expecting the students to achieve the learning objectives.

The link provided in the course was a great help:

I searched for more information and found that this link is useful:

Third: the first step in designing the course final project:

In this step I described my school and my students. I found that my school has abilities which up till now haven’t totally been used. I dream of changing that. I hope the course makes me able to make this dream comes true.
Said Hassan

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